What will be new for 2025.

As a business analyst and economist, I am looking forward to 2025. There are so many variables that will have an impact on the global economy and as an Australian analyst, and thinking pf the businesses I support the economic environment will be uncertain to say the least.

Think of the economic variables we know:

  • Uncertainty in America with the new Presidents economic agenda (from a global trading perspective)
  • China suffering from a range of internal economic impediments as well as the potential for trade impacts under the new USA president
  • The developed worlds obsession with CO2 reduction and the impact on energy prices with the resulting impact to manufacturing competitiveness
  • Uncertainty in the middle east
  • The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, and
  • Not to mention the economic upheaval in developed countries with social policies that can be construed to impact on productivity and efficiency

How are we going to deal with these issues and constraints. As I have said on numerous occasions, firstly we need to look internally to see how our own business is performing. Are we functioning at business best practice levels, and in the top 10 % of financial and efficiency benchmarks.

If not, then a New Years resolution could be to engage with a reputable business analyst (preferably with economic credentials “just me plugging of us economists”). Discuss how you can develop a range of performance KPI’s and set out a structured improvement program.

If you are in Australia, drop me a line via my website and WE can have a discussion on next steps.

Anyway, looking forward to what the new year brings, so Happy 2025.


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